
    November 2024

    01 Nov, 2024 - 30 Nov, 2024


    1. Review of Subject Committee Meetings at School Level & Action Taken thereof.
    2. 3rd Quarterly NIPUN Meeting
    3. Review of Learning Social Science and Skill Education
    4. Review of Integration of Mission LiFE in classroom transactions


    1. Half Yearly Examination for Class XI.
    2. Ist Pre- Board Examination for class X & XII (Summer Station KVs)

    Promotion of Science & Technology and Mathematics

    1. National Children Science Congress (NCSC) at KVS Level.
    2. Activities under Vigyan Jyoti Program.

    Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat

    1. Speech/ Debate/ Essay/Quiz on Fundamental Rights & Duties / Preamble of Constitution of India & Panchayati Raj System on Constitution Day (26th November)
    2. Celebration of Janjatiya Gaurav Diwas

    Games and Sports & Others

    1. Fit India Mission – Month Wise Suggestive Activities.
    2. Mini Sports Meet (For Primary children).
    3. Fit India School Week /Quiz
    4. Annual Sports Day of Vidyalaya.
    5. Participation in 68th National School Games (SGFI).
    6. Safe Travelling to Schools (School Bus)

    Scouts and Guides

    1. Celebration of Bharat Scouts & Guides Foundation Day / Flag Day on 7th November.
    2. Weekly Troop/Company/Pack/ Flock Meeting at Vidyalaya Level

    Vocational and Skill Education

    1. Skill assessment of students by local artisan/ artists/experts of various fields  and Re skilling as per the recommendation of experts/requirement/ interest/ choice of students wherever feasible.


    1. Vigyan Pratibha Workshop for Science and Maths teachers by HBCSE
    2. FLN Workshops by APU and Jodogyan Foundation
    3. Workshops on Competency-based Learning, Competency-based Assessment, Project Inclusion by
    4. Short-duration Workshops by the Knowledge Partners like CBSE, NCERT, ISTM, NIEPA, IGNOU, IIMs, IITs, IISC, NIPCCD, etc.
    5. Short-duration online/ offline workshops as per the training calendars of all the five ZIETs
    6. Need-based Workshops by the Regional Offices

    Celebration of National/International Event/Week

    1. Youth Parliament Competition at Zonal Level
    2. Celebration of Children’s Day
    3. National Education Day