November 2024
- Review of Subject Committee Meetings at School Level & Action Taken thereof.
- 3rd Quarterly NIPUN Meeting
- Review of Learning Social Science and Skill Education
- Review of Integration of Mission LiFE in classroom transactions
- Half Yearly Examination for Class XI.
- Ist Pre- Board Examination for class X & XII (Summer Station KVs)
Promotion of Science & Technology and Mathematics
- National Children Science Congress (NCSC) at KVS Level.
- Activities under Vigyan Jyoti Program.
Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat
- Speech/ Debate/ Essay/Quiz on Fundamental Rights & Duties / Preamble of Constitution of India & Panchayati Raj System on Constitution Day (26th November)
- Celebration of Janjatiya Gaurav Diwas
Games and Sports & Others
- Fit India Mission – Month Wise Suggestive Activities.
- Mini Sports Meet (For Primary children).
- Fit India School Week /Quiz
- Annual Sports Day of Vidyalaya.
- Participation in 68th National School Games (SGFI).
- Safe Travelling to Schools (School Bus)
Scouts and Guides
- Celebration of Bharat Scouts & Guides Foundation Day / Flag Day on 7th November.
- Weekly Troop/Company/Pack/ Flock Meeting at Vidyalaya Level
Vocational and Skill Education
- Skill assessment of students by local artisan/ artists/experts of various fields and Re skilling as per the recommendation of experts/requirement/ interest/ choice of students wherever feasible.
- Vigyan Pratibha Workshop for Science and Maths teachers by HBCSE
- FLN Workshops by APU and Jodogyan Foundation
- Workshops on Competency-based Learning, Competency-based Assessment, Project Inclusion by
SAS - Short-duration Workshops by the Knowledge Partners like CBSE, NCERT, ISTM, NIEPA, IGNOU, IIMs, IITs, IISC, NIPCCD, etc.
- Short-duration online/ offline workshops as per the training calendars of all the five ZIETs
- Need-based Workshops by the Regional Offices
Celebration of National/International Event/Week
- Youth Parliament Competition at Zonal Level
- Celebration of Children’s Day
- National Education Day